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Eerie Glimpses of the Past: 60 Forgotten Historical Photos



The following photos reveal a different perspective on well-known historical stories. They remind us that appearances can be deceiving, as the seemingly stodgy Queen of England was once playful in the 1950s. Similarly, the Great Depression, often associated with despair, had individuals who found interesting ways to pass the time. If you have an interest in forgotten wars, abandoned buildings, or animals from the late 19th century, you will find something intriguing here. Sit back, relax, and prepare to uncover forgotten pieces of history as you continue reading.

Mining horse photobombs co-workers in hilarious pose.

Mining horse photobombs co-workers in hilarious pose.
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, mining horses, also known as “pit ponies,” were introduced as a replacement for children working in mines. This change came after a tragic incident in 1838 when a mine flood resulted in the death of 26 child trappers. Initially, these horses were employed to pull carts and transport coal within the tunnels they operated in. By 1913, the number of mining horses in English coal mines had reached 70,000. Meanwhile, American coal mines opted to use donkeys instead of Shetland ponies. Regulations surrounding the use of pit ponies became more prevalent throughout the early 20th century, eventually leading to the phasing out of these mining horses by the 1960s.

Laurel and Hardy’s 1953 Tour Takes Them to Dun Laoghaire, Ireland

Laurel and Hardy's 1953 Tour Takes Them to Dun Laoghaire, Ireland
Having started their partnership in the late 1920s, Laurel and Hardy had worked together both onstage and in films. However, their act had seen better days by the time they reached Ireland in 1953. Despite their dwindling popularity in Hollywood, the Irish fans remained oblivious and greeted them with a joyous celebration when they docked in Cobh on the SS America on September 9, 1953. As they set foot on Irish soil, the comedians were surrounded by enthusiastic fans and well-wishers. Nonetheless, their first priority was to express their gratitude to the bell-ringers at the church who had welcomed them to the country.

Outrageous Fury of Joseph Goebbels

Outrageous Fury of Joseph Goebbels
In a Geneva courtyard, we witness Joseph Goebbels, the infamous German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda. His eyes burn with an intensity surpassing his usual fiery gaze, directed at the photographer who dared to capture his image – Alfred Eisenstaedt, a Jewish individual. At that moment, Goebbels unveils his adversary’s identity, and this realization sparks an inferno within him. His abhorrence for the Jewish people and those who opposed the Third Reich’s ideals multiplies a hundredfold. This festering hatred becomes a cancer, consuming him and his odious ideology.

Vintage Santa Claus outfit, early 1900s.

Vintage Santa Claus outfit, early 1900s.
Oh no! I politely decline. Surprisingly, Santa Claus was not always the adorable and beloved figure we know today. It appears that at one time, Santa Claus was actually portrayed as a paper mache demon. Just imagine the fright of encountering this creature descending your chimney in the darkness of night. Even if he claimed to be delivering gifts, it would be difficult to trust him. All humor aside, during the early 20th century when people were struggling financially, it is commendable that someone managed to create a Santa costume, even if it remains quite terrifying.

Ireland in 1915: A Historical Snapshot

Ireland in 1915: A Historical Snapshot
In 1915, Ireland found itself at a critical junction between modernity and the traditional ways of the past. The city of Dublin was undergoing significant changes as the wealthiest residents of Ireland relocated to the surrounding suburbs. Consequently, the abandoned homes in Dublin quickly deteriorated into slums, attracting the poorest individuals in Ireland. This led to alarming death rates and a constant struggle for survival. However, despite these challenging circumstances, urban Ireland did not experience a surge in violent crime. Rather, the prevalent issues in Dublin during this time were public intoxication and theft, which cannot be considered as major contributors to the decline of western civilization. Despite the downturn, Ireland’s fortunes were bound to improve with the onset of World War I.

1966 Boston Marathon Excludes Bobbi Gibb for Being Female

1966 Boston Marathon Excludes Bobbi Gibb for Being Female
Despite the advancements in civil rights and women’s liberation during the 1960s, there were still aspects of society that remained stuck in the dark ages. This was evident in 1966 when Bobbi Gibb, an aspiring runner, yearned to participate in the prestigious Boston Marathon, a grueling 26-mile race considered one of the most significant amateur events in the nation. Despite her rigorous preparation of running 40 miles daily, Gibb’s dreams were shattered as she was denied entry by race director Will Cloney due to his belief that women lacked the physical capability to endure long distances. However, undeterred by this blatant discrimination, on April 19, 1966, Gibb courageously disguised herself in her brother’s attire and joined the race near the starting area. As her fellow male participants realized her true identity, they rallied behind her, offering enthusiastic cheers of support. Upon crossing the finish line, Gibb was greeted by the Governor of Massachusetts, John Volpe, who eagerly extended his hand in admiration for her remarkable achievement.

Poland’s Tatra Mountains Hide a Cozy Wooden Cottage

Poland's Tatra Mountains Hide a Cozy Wooden Cottage
This house in Poland is not only known for its fascinating roof but also for its enchanting architectural design. The angles and shape of the roof give it a distinct Victorian vibe, while the lower part of the house appears more rounded, reminiscent of a dwelling fit for an elf. If you ever have the opportunity to visit this peculiar house in Poland, it is a must-see, if only to catch a glimpse of the extraordinary interior. With a roof as extraordinary as this, one can only imagine the magnificence of the ceilings inside.

Iconic musicians Elton John, Diana Ross, and Cher reunite backstage at Grammys ’75.

Iconic musicians Elton John, Diana Ross, and Cher reunite backstage at Grammys '75.
Although Andy Williams hosted the 17th annual Grammy Awards, Elton John, Cher, and Diana Ross were the true stars of the show. Elton John, known for his flashy showmanship, was riding high on the success of his album Caribou, which included the hit song “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me.” Cher, on the other hand, had just won a Golden Globe for her show The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour. Meanwhile, Diana Ross was making waves in the early 1970s, becoming the first African-American woman to co-host the 46th Academy Awards in 1974. It remains a mystery why these three talented individuals were not chosen to host the Grammy Awards.

Crimean War Veterans: ’72 Highlanders, 1854

Crimean War Veterans: '72 Highlanders, 1854
During the conflict involving the Ottoman Empire, France, Britain, and Sardinia, a group of Scottish Highlanders were included in the latter’s forces. Their primary duty was to protect the British camp, and in order to accomplish this task, they formed what became known as the “thin red line.” This name was derived from the color of their clothing, and it symbolized British composure during battles. The highlanders possessed a strong desire to engage in combat, which unnerved the Russians. Although a treaty was signed at the conclusion of the three-year war, intended to close a Russian naval base, this objective was never achieved. Nonetheless, no one dared to challenge these brave Scottish individuals again.

Ancient Easter Island statue, carved by Rapa Nui people, discovered intact after centuries.

Ancient Easter Island statue, carved by Rapa Nui people, discovered intact after centuries.
Between 1100-1680 AD, the Rapa Nui people carved a total of 887 Moai, which are the monumental faces of revered ancestors, on Easter Island. This island is located near the coast of Chile. The majority of these stone statues remain in their original positions close to the extinct volcano Rano Raraku, where they were created. However, a small percentage of the Moai were transported to their current locations. Each face symbolizes a deceased leader of a lineage and was crafted using stone hand chisels while being drenched with water to make the stone more malleable. Now that you have learned about the process, why not try creating your own Moai?

Inuit man lovingly warms wife’s feet in Greenland, 1890s.

Inuit man lovingly warms wife's feet in Greenland, 1890s.
The Inuit have inhabited Greenland and the Arctic Circle for much longer than any other group, implying that if they feel cold, it would be even colder for others. The Inuit people span across the northern regions, including Greenland and Canada, and were somewhat nomadic during the 19th century. In the 1850s, British and New England whalers hired the Inuit to assist with their growing operations. It is possible that the picture was taken during a break from their strenuous work. Where can we find those hats?

Mongolian Noblewoman, 1908: A Glimpse into Khalkha Legacy

Mongolian Noblewoman, 1908: A Glimpse into Khalkha Legacy
The Khalkhas are the largest group of people in Mongolia and the official language of the country is the Khalkha dialect. Despite being known as Mongolians, most of the population speaks Khalkha. Originally, the Khalkhas were nomadic until Genghis Khan trained them to become a warlike people. When not engaged in imperialism, they worked as livestock herders. In the 1990s, many Khalkhas moved to urban areas, but in the early 20th century, they could often be found living in Buddhist monasteries.

Civil War-era beauty captured in daguerreotype.

Civil War-era beauty captured in daguerreotype.
Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre, the inventor of the daguerreotype, captured the image of this beautiful Civil War artifact. Unlike modern photographs, which use a chemical process to transfer images onto paper, daguerreotypes require the meticulous polishing of a silver-plated copper sheet until it achieves a reflective surface. Chemical fumes are then applied to the plate to reveal the captured image. Initially, the slow exposure time of daguerreotypes required subjects to sit still for minutes to obtain a clear image. However, in 1841, the development of new lenses shortened the exposure time.

Tom Petty Captured Jim Morrison’s Ghostly Image at Grave in ’97

Tom Petty Captured Jim Morrison's Ghostly Image at Grave in '97
Tom Petty, the leader of the Heartbreakers, captured a moment that perfectly embodies the essence of rock icon Jim Morrison. In 1997, while chilling in front of Morrison’s final resting place at Pere Lachaise cemetery in France, Petty swiftly took a photo of rock historian Brett Meisner. Interestingly, Meisner only became aware of the eerie presence in the picture in 2002, long after Petty had snapped it. Meisner revealed that after the photo was taken, he encountered a series of supernatural occurrences, most of which were unsettling. Initially, it intrigued him to witness the spiritual connection between people and the photo, but now the overall vibe surrounding it feels decidedly negative.

35 cast of ‘The Little Rascals’ in action!

35 cast of 'The Little Rascals' in action!
The Little Rascals have become a significant cultural icon for a specific generation, demonstrating to many young individuals that children could also perform and engaging in entertaining pranks. Originally known as “Our Gang,” they have gone beyond being a mere historical artifact and have secured a crucial place in cinematic history. By the mid-1930s, the Little Rascals evolved into a family comedy with the inclusion of Spanky McFarland and his parents, alongside occasional appearances by the members of the Our Gang gang. In 1935, a significant cast turnover occurred, though it was executed so subtly that it was challenging to notice.

Scottish explorer serenades penguin on frozen Antarctic voyage, 1904.

Scottish explorer serenades penguin on frozen Antarctic voyage, 1904.
The Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, led by University of Edinburgh scientist William Speirs Bruce, took place from 1902 to 1904. After departing Buenos Aires, the ship headed directly towards the Antarctic Circle. The journey proceeded smoothly until March 3, when the ship encountered an ice barrier. Despite slow progress, the ship remained mobile until March 9 when it became trapped in dense pack ice. During this period, Gilbert Kerr seized the opportunity to entertain a charming penguin by playing his bagpipes.

1950s Carhop Skates for Service

1950s Carhop Skates for Service
Witnessing a carhop swiftly delivering meals on roller skates evokes a profound sense of nostalgia. In the past, these dedicated carhops effortlessly glided towards customers, instilling a sense of awe as their food approached at the exhilarating speed of eight wheels. While carhops initially emerged in the early 1920s, it was during the 1950s that they became ubiquitous at drive-in restaurants nationwide. In that era, fast food establishments were not merely convenient options to hurriedly consume, but rather cherished venues where families could relish a respite from preparing dinner once a week. Alas, with the decline of roller skating car hops, we have undeniably forfeited something precious.

Felix Baumgartner: Skydiving Breaks Sound Barrier @ 833.9mph!

Felix Baumgartner: Skydiving Breaks Sound Barrier @ 833.9mph!
Imagine yourself in the position of Felix Baumgartner. You have a burning desire to achieve something remarkable – to surpass the speed of sound. However, the only way to accomplish this is by ascending to an incredibly high altitude, forcing you to hurtle through the atmosphere at an unimaginable velocity, breaching the sound barrier. Baumgartner embarked on this audacious mission by leaping from a balloon stationed approximately 24 miles above the state of New Mexico. It took him nearly 10 minutes to descend to the ground. Can you even fathom the sheer intensity of this leap? Baumgartner, in an interview with BBC, conveyed his experiences during this monumental jump.

1936: Little girl showcases bearded dragon at Venice Beach pet show.

1936: Little girl showcases bearded dragon at Venice Beach pet show.
Pet shows provided a simple and affordable pastime during the challenging times of the Great Depression. With limited financial resources, people had few opportunities for recreational activities. However, parents couldn’t allow their children to roam freely like mischievous creatures, and one convenient solution was to have them showcase their pets. It remains uncertain whether this young lady received any recognition for her bearded dragon at the show, but if awards were given, she would undoubtedly deserve the title of having the coolest pet. While others brought forward their dogs or cats, she effortlessly stole the spotlight with her impressive bearded lizard. It’s time for everyone else to head home, as they have been outshined.

1964: Multitalented Couple’s 55-Year Marriage Unites Art, Fashion, and Philanthropy

1964: Multitalented Couple's 55-Year Marriage Unites Art, Fashion, and Philanthropy
Ralph Lauren is undeniably a man who has it all figured out. Not only does he boast a clothing line worth billions, but he has also managed to strike a perfect balance between his personal and professional life, a feat that often eludes many businessmen. Shortly after meeting his wife, Ricky, in New York City in 1964, the couple tied the knot, their love story a classic case of love at first sight. Together, they have raised three successful children, one of whom, David, has followed in his father’s footsteps and now holds the prestigious position of Executive Vice President of Global Advertising, Marketing, and Communications at Ralph Lauren Corporation. Clearly, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

1909: Stylish Roller Skating

1909: Stylish Roller Skating
Roller skating has been a beloved pastime since 1760 when Belgian inventor John Joseph Merlin introduced them as a way for people to experience the freedom of ice skating anywhere. When skates arrived in America, they underwent changes from having wheels attached to wooden shoes, making them difficult to navigate. However, the introduction of “quad” skates made it easier for people to move around on wheels, which is the desired outcome. Looking at the photo, it is evident that these individuals would struggle to hold onto their hats if they were still using skates from the 16th century.

Turtle emerging from brumation

Turtle emerging from brumation
The turtle is emerging from brumation, a state similar to hibernation that cold-blooded animals undergo to cope with cold weather. While many reptiles experience brumation, it is most common in box turtles, who can hibernate for up to five months each year. During brumation, turtles have a reduced appetite and primarily hibernate underground. When the weather reaches approximately 60 degrees, brumation ends for turtles. Gradually, they awaken and begin searching for water, but they are not yet prepared to eat until they warm up and their bodies are ready for digestion.

London in 1890: A Historic Snapshot

London in 1890: A Historic Snapshot
In the 19th century, London experienced significant growth and changes. It became the world’s largest city and the capital of a thriving Empire. Despite the influx of Irish and Asian immigrants during the Victorian era and the rise of poverty, London remained a major player in global economic markets. The opening of the London Underground in 1890 marked a crucial milestone, with millions of passengers using the underground lines within just a few years.

WWI Harlem Hellfighters Return with Cross of War Medals (1919)

WWI Harlem Hellfighters Return with Cross of War Medals (1919)
The story of the Harlem Hellfighters is one that must be told. This African-American infantry unit served in World War I longer than any other American unit. Despite their incredible bravery and dedication in the war, they were subjected to severe racism and segregation upon returning home. The majority of the Harlem Hellfighters hailed from New York City and were the first black troops to join the National Guard after years of advocating for the opportunity to serve. As Hellfighter Arthur P. Davis expressed, belonging to the 15th Infantry was essential to establishing one’s worth.

Dental appointment in 1892: A historical visit

Dental appointment in 1892: A historical visit
This is not a scene from an unreleased version of Sweeney Todd, but rather a visit to the dentist in the late 19th century. It is evident that dental science was far from advanced during that time, and dentists had to rely on their physical strength and luck to extract teeth, often using pliers. The man in the picture appears to be having a difficult time, and the dentist does not seem to have the expertise for oral procedures. However, everyone starts somewhere and learning takes time.

England’s Oldest Teahouse: Crooked House of Windsor, Built in 1592!

England's Oldest Teahouse: Crooked House of Windsor, Built in 1592!
The Crooked House of Windsor is the epitome of classic British tea houses. It is impossible to mention it without imagining a cockney accent. Originally built in 1592 on the outskirts of Windsor’s marker square, this hastily constructed and crooked house served as a butcher shop. Over the years, the building has undergone multiple ownership changes, transforming from a jewelry store to a brewery. With each new purpose, the house is adorned in a peculiar, yet unique color. However, one constant feature that remains unchanged is its tilted and crooked structure.

Ukraine’s Swallows Nest Castle: A Majestic Gem

Ukraine's Swallows Nest Castle: A Majestic Gem
Situated precariously on the edge of a cliff, this captivating attraction is renowned as one of the most intriguing structures in Eastern Europe. Throughout its history, it has transformed from a humble wooden hut to an Italian restaurant. Originally built in 1911, this castle has changed ownership multiple times. Even if you have never had the opportunity to visit Gaspra and witness this castle firsthand, chances are you have encountered it on screen. Swallow’s Nest has appeared in films and television shows such as Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None and Mio in the Land of Faraway. However, the castle’s true magnificence can only be fully appreciated when experienced in person.

Paris, 1910: A Unique Encounter with an Ostrich

Paris, 1910: A Unique Encounter with an Ostrich
Why not spend a day exploring the city by capturing a quick photo with an ostrich? These Parisians are making the most of their time by visiting a petting zoo, most likely the Ménagerie du Jardin des plantes – a zoo located near the Seine in the heart of Paris. This zoo not only houses numerous animals but also boasts a beautiful botanical garden. Established in 1794, this botanical garden and zoo have been attracting visitors who are eager to experience wildlife and sights that are not typically found in Paris. Plan a visit and strike a pose with a magnificent bird.

1931: Mary Smith’s Unique Job Waking Up East London’s Workers.

1931: Mary Smith's Unique Job Waking Up East London's Workers.
During the 18th to early 20th centuries, individuals hired human alarm clocks to rouse them from sleep. Mary Smith gained recognition for her unique method of shooting peas into workers’ windows, while others known as knocker uppers physically pounded on clients’ windows. To enlist the services of a knocker upper, one could either leave a note specifying the desired wake-up time or personally inform the knocker upper of the preferred window-banging time. Fortunately, the alarm clock was eventually invented, eliminating the need for these unconventional wake-up methods.

Royal family’s playful moment captured at Balmoral Castle, Scotland (1952)

Royal family's playful moment captured at Balmoral Castle, Scotland (1952)
Balmoral Castle in Scotland serves as a second home for the British Royal Family, where they have been taking leisurely breaks for many years, particularly in the summer. The Queen has been visiting Balmoral during the summer months since her childhood, although it was in the 1950s when the general public became aware of the family’s trips. During this period, the Queen, King George VI, Prince Philip, and Princess Margaret would venture into the countryside for picnics and recreational activities. Notably, the Queen even brought along her royal corgis during these countryside escapades. While in the Scottish countryside, Charles and Anne seemed to find themselves in various mischievous situations, but one can hardly blame them for seeking adventure during their vacation.

70-year-old Elizabeth Arnold, England’s lone female blacksmith, forges horse shoes at ancient Kent forge (1938)

70-year-old Elizabeth Arnold, England's lone female blacksmith, forges horse shoes at ancient Kent forge (1938)
Despite her petite height of only 5ft, Elizabeth Arnold proved to be an exceptional blacksmith, making her a remarkable anomaly as the sole female blacksmith in England during the early 20th century. Even at the age of 70, she continued to engage in her craft, wielding a 10lb sledgehammer with unparalleled skill. Residing in the outskirts of Kent, renowned for its equine industry, she was undoubtedly inundated with work. As the sole female blacksmith, she undoubtedly intrigued the local community, who were likely astounded by her presence and expertise.

Photogenic feline moonlighting as a photographer in 1909.

Photogenic feline moonlighting as a photographer in 1909.
This is simply adorable. It appears that even in the early 1900s, cats were the most inquisitive pets. While it is evident that this cat has discovered the viewfinder on the camera, what do you think it is contemplating about the image it sees? Is it aware that it is peering through a small window? Or does it believe that there is a miniature family trapped inside this box? The most remarkable aspect of this photograph is how the family managed to capture the cat standing still. We all know that if it were a dog, the photo would not be as pristine.

Leo and Kate reunite on ‘Titanic’ set after 1997.

Leo and Kate reunite on 'Titanic' set after 1997.
James Cameron’s Titanic is not only a captivating love story of the 20th century but also a testament to mankind’s ambition to achieve something extraordinary. Creating a film of such magnitude inevitably came with its share of challenges. The photograph depicts the evident exhaustion on the faces of Kate and Leo, portraying the immense effort put in by these young artists. Winslet later revealed that she suffered from hypothermia while filming in water, and several members of the cast and crew were unknowingly drugged with PCP during their time in Canada. Despite these setbacks, the film triumphed and became one of the most successful features in history.

1908: Logs transported in Northern Michigan.

1908: Logs transported in Northern Michigan.
This is one way to transport goods. In the early 20th century, with the absence of large trucks, lumberjacks had to rely on real horse power to move lumber or resort to pushing the logs down river. However, when water was not available, they had to make do with other methods. These individuals seem to be enjoying themselves despite the circumstances. In Michigan, during the time when the logging industry was thriving, lumberjacks were making significant profits by cutting down trees. The immense pile of logs depicted here demonstrates the sheer number of trees that these loggers were able to transport in the early 1900s.

Tire tracks mark Wycoller Hall’s path in northern England.

Tire tracks mark Wycoller Hall's path in northern England.
If you are familiar with the works of Charlotte Bronte, then you may not be unfamiliar with Wycoller Hall. This historical building, constructed in the 16th century, provided the inspiration for Jane Eyre. During the creation of her gothic masterpiece, Bronte resided in the nearby town of Haworth, just a short distance from Wycoller. Originally built by the Hartley family, Wycoller Hall underwent continuous construction until the 18th century. Unfortunately, after the passing of its final owner, Squire Cunliffe, stones from the Hall were pilfered to construct neighboring houses. Consequently, Wycoller Hall now lies in ruins.

WWII veteran, 95, holds 1944 photo, recalling battles

WWII veteran, 95, holds 1944 photo, recalling battles
Faris Tuohy is incredibly fortunate to possess such a remarkable photograph, considering the challenges he has faced. Throughout World War II, Tuohy valiantly fought alongside the 3rd Battalion, independent 22nd Marine Regiment. On this particular day, he had just emerged from a grueling two-day battle for Engebi in Eniwetok Atoll, where they engaged in fierce combat against Japanese soldiers. During this intense clash, Tuohy’s battalion successfully eliminated 736 Japanese soldiers, with only a mere 19 surrendering. The photo that Tuohy clutches in his hands is one of the scarce images that the United States permitted for release in America, portraying the harrowing consequences of war.

Central Park Traffic in 1900

Central Park Traffic in 1900
Do you ever find it annoying when you’re walking through Central Park and get stuck behind someone riding in a carriage? Back in 1900, it was a common sight to see carriage drivers making their rounds in New York City, but nowadays it’s quite rare. Many of these horse-drawn buggies belonged to the Hansom Cab Company, a transportation business that operated in New York City and Miami. If you wanted to take a ride in one of these carriages, you had to pay 30 cents per mile for one person or 40 cents for two. However, by the 1920s, these carriages were mostly phased out of major operation.

Salt Lake City dad crafts stunning headstone for son in wheelchair.

Salt Lake City dad crafts stunning headstone for son in wheelchair.
This headstone is both heartbreaking and astonishing. In 1988, Ernest Robison experienced the devastating birth of his son, who was paralyzed from the neck down due to a lack of oxygen. Despite the challenges, his son lived until the age of 11 before succumbing to complications related to his condition. Instead of opting for a conventional headstone, Ernest conceptualized a remarkable statue that portrays his son reaching towards the heavens. This poignant tribute not only brings solace to the Robison family but also serves as a source of happiness for others who visit the grave. Inspired by their own painful journey, the Robisons established a non-profit organization aimed at assisting individuals with disabilities in acquiring rehabilitation equipment that they cannot afford. Through this initiative, they have managed to transform their grief into a beacon of hope for those facing similar hardships.

Fluffy Arctic fox kit molts its winter fur.

Fluffy Arctic fox kit molts its winter fur.
Arctic foxes are renowned for their remarkable resilience in the harshest conditions found on Earth. These creatures possess adaptations that enable them to endure the extreme cold temperatures prevalent in the Arctic Circle, where the mercury can plummet to a bone-chilling –58°F. How can such diminutive beings thrive in such an icy world? The answer lies in their coats, which serve both to insulate them against the frigid environment and provide protection amidst the barren tundra landscape. While their diet primarily consists of birds, fish, and rodents, during particularly frigid spells, they resort to scavenging the remnants left behind by polar bears. In desperate times, they even resort to consuming vegetation, much like children who reluctantly resort to eating their greens when faced with dire circumstances.

Sioux child and doll in 1890

Sioux child and doll in 1890
By 1890, the Sioux Nation had already experienced displacement, but their worst mistreatment was yet to come. Throughout their history, the Sioux had been divided into the Dakota and the Lakota factions. On December 29, 1890, the 7th Cavalry Regiment surrounded the Lakota Sioux, aiming to compel their relocation to Omaha, Nebraska. Despite the Lakota’s reluctance to leave Wounded Knee Creek, the 7th Calvary resorted to firing upon them, resulting in the death of 150 Lakota Sioux. The bodies of the men, women, and children were then interred in a mass grave. Subsequently, the 9th Calvary arrived at a nearby reservation to oversee the remaining Sioux population.

Dracula’s Castle in Romania: A 1929 Wonder.

Dracula's Castle in Romania: A 1929 Wonder.
Bran Castle, also known as Vlad Dracul’s residence, is a must-visit destination in Romania and a true marvel of Eastern Europe. Originally built in the 14th century as a fortress in the Carpathian Mountains, it served as the loose inspiration for Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula, despite the author never setting foot in the castle. Despite its eerie reputation, the castle itself is quite charming, boasting a 57-room château tucked behind its sturdy walls. Complete with an inner courtyard and a secret library, one can’t help but imagine living there, especially if they were an immortal vampire.

1970s Driving School: Then & Now!

1970s Driving School: Then & Now!
If you were learning how to drive in the 1970s, before actually getting in a car and driving, you had to pass a simulated driving experience. This involved sitting in a driving game similar to those found in arcades, and driving through a digital city with 20 other students. During this experience, there were situations where a child on a bicycle would unexpectedly appear in front of your simulated car, and you had to quickly hit the brakes. Your performance was evaluated based on your reaction time and any mistakes made. Only if you achieved a high enough score were you allowed to move on to driving a training car.

Jagger & Hall Swap Outfits in French Fashion (1996)

Jagger & Hall Swap Outfits in French Fashion (1996)
Did the planet ever witness a more stylish and captivating couple? When Mick Jagger, the renowned Rolling Stones frontman, joined forces with model Jerry Hall in 1977, they became the talk of England. Between the releases of Black and Blue and Some Girls, Jagger and Hall captured the spotlight, gracing the pages of scandalous tabloids and relishing in the attention they received. In 1990, the duo exchanged vows in a private ceremony in Bali, Indonesia, before settling in Richmond, London, and welcoming four children into their lives. Simultaneously, they continued their presence in the fashion industry, featuring in advertisements and creating. Over the course of the 90s, their relationship underwent various transformations, ultimately leading to their decision to part ways. Consequently, the High Court of England declared their Bali ceremony null and void in 1999, declaring it invalid and against the law.

Nebraska’s Eva Mae ‘Doll’ Copple: An Early 1900s ‘Gibson Girl

Nebraska's Eva Mae 'Doll' Copple: An Early 1900s 'Gibson Girl
Instead of being photographed, the Gibson Girls were depicted through illustrations by artist Charles Dana Gibson from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. Although real women served as models, Gibson saw these girls as a representation of American girls from various regions, making them a unique type. These illustrations portrayed women as delicate yet curvaceous, symbolizing their ability to fulfill everyone’s desires. One distinctive feature of a Gibson Girl was the elaborate pile of curls on her head, easily identifying her.

World’s Largest McDonald’s Debuts in Moscow, 1990: 900 Seats, 600 Workers

World's Largest McDonald's Debuts in Moscow, 1990: 900 Seats, 600 Workers
Is there anything that symbolizes “freedom” more than McDonald’s? Back in 1990, the Soviet Union embraced the arrival of McDonald’s in Russia, causing people to queue for hours just to have their first experience of American fast food. This 900-seat restaurant was truly a spectacle for the Russian people, who were unaccustomed to such a concept. In fact, one journalist even described the restaurant as a representation of America’s practical and rational approach to food. However, the impact of McDonald’s extended far beyond just being a massive fast food joint. Only two years later, the Soviet Union collapsed and Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as the head of government, signifying the start of significant change in Russia.

Goodyear’s glowing tires never made it to market.

Goodyear's glowing tires never made it to market.
Although these tires resemble something out of Tron, they never made it into mass production. Invented by Goodyear in the early 1960s, these light-up tires were made from Neothane, a synthetic polyurethane rubber that was easier to manufacture than traditional tires. Goodyear claimed that these tires were not only easier to produce but also more resistant than their rubber counterparts. Additionally, the tires were translucent, allowing Goodyear to add dye to the rubber, resulting in a vibrant hue. When illuminated with rims of light, the tires would glow in the dark. Unfortunately, despite their cool factor, the light-up tires were not practical, and Goodyear opted to continue with their regular tires.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s 50th wedding anniversary today! (March 20, 2019)

John Lennon and Yoko Ono's 50th wedding anniversary today! (March 20, 2019)
John and Yoko, the most famous couple in rock history, tied the knot on March 20, 1969 in Gibraltar. Their love story began three years earlier, while John was still married to his first wife Cynthia. Initially, they had different ideas about the location of their wedding, with a boat trip to France being their first choice. However, they settled on a place where they could get married as soon as John’s divorce was finalized. The wedding ceremony itself was short, lasting only 10 minutes, and was witnessed by David Nutter, the band’s photographer. After the wedding, John and Yoko headed to Amsterdam, where they organized their renowned “bed-in” at the Hilton hotel.

Couple pleads against husband’s deportation to Germany in 1936.

Couple pleads against husband's deportation to Germany in 1936.
In 1936, Otto Richter, a 21-year-old German citizen, found himself confronted with a devastating dilemma: either become a fugitive from the law or accept deportation to Germany, with the hope of subsequently securing legal entry to the United States via Canada. Richter had managed to escape Nazi Germany, so this deportation order was essentially a death sentence for him. Desperate to remain in America, he tirelessly petitioned to stay and garnered sympathy for his cause. However, despite his efforts, three years after the photo was taken, Richter was ultimately deported back to Germany. It is truly unfortunate that he was not permitted to find safety and refuge in the United States during the tumultuous times of World War II.

Boy’s 1900 Christmas tree trek

Boy's 1900 Christmas tree trek
During the early 20th century, when families were struggling financially, Christmas held significant importance. Despite their hardships, they made it a point to pause during the winter holiday and reflect on what truly mattered. This enthusiastic young boy eagerly anticipates Christmas and is willing to lend a hand in any capacity. While the tradition of Christmas trees originated in the 16th century, it wasn’t until 1882 that electric decorations started adorning the trees. However, it remains uncertain whether this young boy preferred blinking Christmas lights or the shimmering allure of tinsel.

German POWs: A Lens into WWII Captivity

German POWs: A Lens into WWII Captivity
After capturing German soldiers, the brave American troops were faced with the horrifying realities of their actions. They were forced to observe the unimaginable horrors that occurred in concentration camps, which opened their eyes to the true nature of the Third Reich. The footage they watched was shocking, and their expressions revealed the depth of their shock and dismay. Some of them couldn’t bear to witness such atrocities. This was the Allies’ approach to rebuilding a civil society in Germany, known as “post-war de-Nazification.” Although there were numerous challenges ahead, the unwavering spirit of the Allied forces would prevail as they remained committed to justice and determined to rectify the past mistakes.

Renowned directors gather to celebrate George Lucas’s 50th in ’94

Renowned directors gather to celebrate George Lucas's 50th in '94
It was quite a table filled with exceptional individuals! These individuals were not actual murderers, but rather extraordinary talents in the world of cinema who laid the foundation for modern filmmaking. Each of these individuals played a significant role in shaping the American blockbuster in various ways. Although Spielberg and Lucas have a long-standing connection, De Palma and Scorsese can be seen as similar counterparts to Lucas and his Indiana Jones partner. One can only wonder what conversations transpired among these individuals. Did they discuss their shared passion for movies, or did they purposely avoid the topic altogether? How fascinating it would be to be a mere observer, like a fly in a glass of chardonnay, at that table.

Final photograph of the RMS Titanic

Final photograph of the RMS Titanic
This image captures the grand Titanic on her inaugural and, unfortunately, final voyage, near the windswept coast of Ireland. It is possible that this photograph is the last ever taken of the magnificent ship while still floating on the turbulent waves. Sadly, tragedy struck on April 15th, 1912, when the mighty liner collided with an iceberg and sank in the icy waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. The magnitude of this catastrophe left a lasting impression on an entire generation, serving as a reminder of the vulnerability of human ambition and the relentless force of the sea.

50-year-old man with Down Syndrome retires from McDonalds after 32 years, receives congratulations.

50-year-old man with Down Syndrome retires from McDonalds after 32 years, receives congratulations.
Russell O’Grady recently retired after spending 32 years working at the Northmead McDonalds in west Sydney, Australia. He joined the McDonalds team in 1986 at the young age of 18 and quickly became an integral part of the team. As his retirement approached, O’Grady’s brother mentioned that many people visit the restaurant specifically to see him, according to a spokesperson for the local McDonalds.

Logging family supports ‘Mark Twain’ sequoia – a 1,300-year-old, 330 ft tall giant (1892)

Logging family supports 'Mark Twain' sequoia - a 1,300-year-old, 330 ft tall giant (1892)
In front of Big Stump Grove in Kings Canyon National Park, this family stands next to “Mark Twain”, a massive sequoia that was felled in 1891 for exhibition. Prior to chopping down the tree, loggers had to dig a large trench around it to prevent breakage during the fall. It took the loggers a total of eight days to cut the tree down to the desired size. Afterward, the base of the tree was donated to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, a higher section was given as a gift to the British Museum in London, and the remaining parts of the tree were utilized for construction purposes.

1940s selfie captured during war.

1940s selfie captured during war.
The obsession with taking selfies is not limited to young people; people have been fascinated with capturing photos of themselves since the invention of the camera. Even renowned artist Van Gogh created self-portraits. If you have come across selfies from the 1940s, you would know that these individuals were able to skillfully capture a beautiful photograph using their camera. Unlike many similar selfies that are often blurry or poorly framed, these two individuals managed to capture a picture that perfectly represents the era of photography, which required a significant amount of skill to master. This is a skill that selfie enthusiasts on their phones are not familiar with.

1900s: Girl With Pet Chicken

1900s: Girl With Pet Chicken
During the early 1900s, jobs and money were scarce. Therefore, owning an animal that could produce food was considered a sign of relative prosperity. Despite her appearance suggesting a life of poverty, it is important to note that this young woman not only possesses a chicken – which is quite significant – but also has the means to have her photo taken and developed. This was a challenging task in the early 20th century, unlike the present day. Owning chickens allowed many families to sustain themselves, while some unfortunate families worked as itinerant farmers. These chickens often served as both companions and sources of nourishment.

First Native American Woman Writes Opera in 1898

First Native American Woman Writes Opera in 1898
Zitkála-Šá, also known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, is an often overlooked yet highly significant writer and translator. As a Yankton Dakota Sioux writer, a considerable portion of her work delved into the topic of cultural identity. Specifically, she explored the stark contrast between the mainstream society in which she found herself and the gradual erosion of her own culture. In addition to her writings on identity, Zitkála-Šá composed The Sun Dance Opera, which holds the distinction of being the first opera written by a Native American and featuring members of the Ute Nation. Sadly, she passed away at the age of 61 in 1938. Fortunately, her works have been republished by the University of Nebraska.

Stunning NASA photo captures earth and moon in space.

Stunning NASA photo captures earth and moon in space.
Wow, what an incredible view! Despite our preconceived notions of what space looks like, it is evident that the far reaches of the solar system possess a level of intricacy beyond our imagination. While we may often perceive the moon as plain white and space as black, this perspective oversimplifies the complexity of space. This NASA photo makes it evident that outer space is teeming with diverse shapes and colors. The vibrant oranges of the solar system beautifully contrast with the earthy browns of the moon and the heavenly blues of our home planet, revealing a sight beyond our wildest dreams.