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Eerie Abandonment: 63 Chilling Photos of Forgotten Places



Prepare yourself for a collection of eerie, deteriorating, and hazardous structures that evoke serious safety concerns. Within this compilation, we present you with 63 haunting photographs of abandoned buildings from around the globe. Immerse yourself in the unnerving atmosphere of long-closed amusement parks, once filled with joyful children but now echoing with their silent cries. Witness the crumbling remnants of once magnificent hotels, now infested with rats and various vermin. We will also take you to desolate sports stadiums, left to decay long after their last victorious moment. Additionally, you will see the remnants of an Austrian nightclub following a devastating fire. Indeed, we offer you a selection of 63 locations that would tantalize the adventurous spirit of any urban explorer. Rest assured, this captivating photo gallery will not be abandoned, as these images are truly captivating. Let us journey onward!

Wreck from 1960 Discovered in Inis Oirr, Galway, Ireland

Wreck from 1960 Discovered in Inis Oirr, Galway, Ireland
Inis Oirr, the smallest of the Aran islands, is renowned for its unique blend of colors and its authentic ambiance as a remote fishing village. A notable attraction on the island is the Plassey shipwreck, which has been a fixture there for the past 50 years. Sailing through Galway Bay on March 8th, 1960, the boat was carrying a cargo that truly reflected its Irish roots – whiskey, stained glass, and yarn. As a storm began to brew, the Plassey collided with the local Finnish Rock, leading to its eventual sinking. Thankfully, the entire crew was safely brought ashore by utilizing the Breeches Buoy method, hoisting them out one person at a time.

Poland’s Auschwitz-Birkenau: The Notorious German Concentration Camp

Poland's Auschwitz-Birkenau: The Notorious German Concentration Camp
Auschwitz was a complex of 48 concentration and extermination camps, constructed by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II. Among these camps was Auschwitz II-Birkenau, which was established in October 1941 with the purpose of accommodating 50,000 prisoners of war as forced laborers. However, when the Nazis made the decision to systematically exterminate the Jewish population, Birkenau was transformed into an extermination camp. According to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum, approximately 1.1 million Jewish individuals were sent to this camp. On 4 September 2003, during a memorial ceremony, three Israeli Air Force F-15 Eagles flew over Auschwitz-Birkenau, led by the son of Holocaust survivors.

Diplomat Hotel in Baguio, Philippines Left Deserted

Diplomat Hotel in Baguio, Philippines Left Deserted
The haunted reputation of the Diplomat Hotel in Baguio, Philippines stems from its disturbing history during World War II. Standing atop Dominican Hill, this once-grand hotel now remains abandoned. Offering a breathtaking view of the city, its outdoor patio on the second floor adds to the eerie ambiance. Constructed in 1913, the hotel became a shelter for those fleeing from the Japanese army during the war. Tragically, the Japanese Imperial Army transformed the hotel into their headquarters and their secret police, the Kempeitai, carried out despicable acts such as torture, rape, and brutal killings of priests, nuns, and refugees. In 1945, American forces bombed the hotel, resulting in damage to the right wing, and the Japanese forces within chose to end their lives rather than surrender. With this haunting history, it is clear why the Diplomat Hotel is believed to be a place of paranormal activity.

England Hosted a WW2 Prisoner of War Camp

England Hosted a WW2 Prisoner of War Camp
It is intriguing to consider that there existed a significant amount of prisoner of war camps within the United Kingdom. From 1939 to late 1948, British authorities detained German prisoners of war on British soil. The highest number of German prisoners occurred in 1946 with approximately 400,000 individuals in captivity. In contrast to other nations, the treatment of these prisoners in Britain was notably more humane. Although they were subjected to the unpleasantness of consuming British cuisine, this was the extent of their torture. Few prisoners actually perished while under British custody. Remarkably, the British government initiated a program aimed at re-educating prisoners about the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime. Approximately 25,000 German prisoners even chose to remain voluntarily in the United Kingdom after their release.

The Prídrangaviti Lighthouse: An Isolated Marvel Perched on a Rock Pillar in Iceland’s Westman Islands

The Prídrangaviti Lighthouse: An Isolated Marvel Perched on a Rock Pillar in Iceland's Westman Islands
The Prídrangaviti Lighthouse in the Westman Islands of Iceland holds the title for being the loneliest lighthouse in the world. Its isolated location makes you feel a sense of sympathy for it, as if it needs a comforting hug. This lighthouse was constructed in 1938, just before the outbreak of World War II, and the challenges faced by the builders were far from easy. Scaling the cliff to lay the groundwork was no small feat, especially considering the treacherous conditions they encountered. Slippery rocks, rain, and powerful winds were constant companions, reminding the workers of the danger that lurked below – the icy-cold waters of the raging North Atlantic Ocean. Fortunately, modern-day maintenance and repairs are made more convenient with the use of helicopters.

Discover the Remnants of Boblo Island: A Historic Amusement Park on the Border of Windsor, ON, Canada and Detroit, MI

Discover the Remnants of Boblo Island: A Historic Amusement Park on the Border of Windsor, ON, Canada and Detroit, MI
Boblo Island Amusement Park, which operated from 1898 to 1993, has remained closed for the past 25 years. One of the highlights of visiting Boblo Island was the exhilarating boat journey to the park, a passage that still remains intact today, as depicted in the photo above. In 1952, an individual named Joe Short, affectionately known as ‘Captain Boblo,’ was employed as a dwarf entertainer on the ferry boats, delighting passengers with his performances. Prior to his time at Boblo Island, Joe Short had worked for Ringling Brothers Circus and continued his role on the ferry boats until his retirement in 1974, at the remarkable age of 90. Interestingly, Henry Ford personally financed a dance hall at the park, which stood as the second largest in the world and could accommodate up to 5,000 dancers.

Toledo, OH: Lighthouse Stands 5 Miles into Erie

Toledo, OH: Lighthouse Stands 5 Miles into Erie
Situated on Lake Erie, the Toledo Harbor lighthouse holds an ironic aura of eeriness. Its construction took place in the year 1901, as a response to the widening and deepening of the shipping channel in 1897, which subsequently led to increased maritime activity. Resembling a charming gingerbread house, this distinctive lighthouse is accompanied by a spine-chilling tale of a “phantom keeper” who would beckon mariners from a window on the upper floor. Truly terrifying! In 2003, the Toledo Harbor Lighthouse Society was established as a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and documentation of the lighthouse’s rich history. Additionally, the Toledo Harbor Lighthouse Preservation Society was formed in order to restore this historic structure, surely bringing great joy to the phantom keeper.

Abandoned Railroad Discovered in a Remote Area near Osoyoos, British Columbia, Canada

Abandoned Railroad Discovered in a Remote Area near Osoyoos, British Columbia, Canada
Osoyoos, located in the southern part of the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, Canada, was settled by European fur traders employed by the Pacific Fur Company. The region became a significant trade route in 1821, leading to the establishment of railroads. The economy was transformed with the arrival of the gold rush. Osoyoos was officially incorporated as a village in 1946, coinciding with the introduction of the railway. Although the railway is no longer operational, the area around the station house is now occupied by the Osoyoos Sailing Club. Visitors to Osoyoos can also enjoy the Desert Model Railroad, a remarkable miniature European world. This attraction is definitely worth checking out!

Hero’s Waterworld in Midland, Odessa, Texas Left in Desolation

Hero's Waterworld in Midland, Odessa, Texas Left in Desolation
Abandoned amusement parks have a haunting aura, especially when you come across dilapidated, decaying rides. Water Wonderland, which was established in 1980, used to be the ultimate dream destination for every child in West Texas. However, now it only appeals to urban explorers, as it no longer possesses the charm of a water park. Maybe Confucius was the first to say that a water park without water is not truly a water park. This once beloved attraction has been closed since 2003 due to an inability to cover the exorbitant maintenance costs. Surprisingly, news broke in August that the waterpark was sold. And can you believe what the new owner has planned for the property? Yes, you guessed it, he intends to transform it back into… a WATERPARK!

Glasgow Central Railway Opens Station in 1896 with Underground Platforms beneath Glasgow Botanic Gardens

Glasgow Central Railway Opens Station in 1896 with Underground Platforms beneath Glasgow Botanic Gardens
In the hidden depths of Glasgow’s history, lies a remarkable chapter. Nestled within the serene confines of the 19th century Botanic Gardens, near its main entrance, rests a piece of Glasgow’s past. It is an abandoned underground railway station, constructed during the illustrious Victorian era and inaugurated in 1896 as the genesis of the esteemed Caledonian Railway. However, since the advent of the Second World War, the Glasgow Botanic Gardens railway station has remained forsaken, its doors closed indefinitely on 6th February 1939. Tragically, in 1970, the station building met its untimely demise, consumed by a ravaging fire while it was reincarnated as a nightclub known as Sgt. Peppers. Yet, the platforms remain intact beneath the ground and can still be glimpsed through open air vents, a haunting reminder of its former glory. Now, the site lies shrouded in overgrown vegetation, lending an air of intrigue that seems tailor-made for a cinematic revival of Trainspotting.

San Francisco’s Alcatraz Island in California

San Francisco's Alcatraz Island in California
Alcatraz gained its fame from the movie, Escape from Alcatraz, and has become a popular tourist destination. This former prison, located in the heart of the San Francisco Bay, offered inmates a breathtaking view of the city, situated only 1.25 miles away from Fisherman’s Wharf. Originally established as a military fortress in 1828, it later served as a federal prison from 1934 to 1963. The prisoners confined within Alcatraz could even hear the sounds of New Year’s Eve celebrations in San Francisco from their cells, adding to their torment.

Ghost Hotel Discovered Between Icmeler and Turunc in Turkey

Ghost Hotel Discovered Between Icmeler and Turunc in Turkey
If you find yourself in Icmeler, Turkey, make sure to check out the ghost hotel. Located on the lower left side of Deniz Kapisi, this abandoned hotel bears an eerie resemblance to the setting of the movie, The Shining. Contrary to its name, the ghost hotel is not a place for the deceased but rather an unfinished project that was left abandoned due to lack of funds and proper building permits. Those who have braved entering this mysterious place claim it is filled with animal droppings.

Abandoned Mental Hospital Near Lincoln, UK: St. John’s

Abandoned Mental Hospital Near Lincoln, UK: St. John's
St John’s hospital, formerly known as The Lincolnshire County Lunatic Asylum, was constructed in 1852 to accommodate and care for individuals with mental illnesses. The impressive Italian-style building, designed by architects Hamilton and Thomas Percy, required a budget of approximately £30,000 during that time. Unfortunately, it now stands abandoned, evoking eerie and unsettling feelings. The asylum aimed to be self-sufficient, employing patients to maintain its grounds. At its peak, the facility housed close to 1900 individuals. Additionally, St John’s played a role as an Emergency Hospital during World War II. However, in December 1989, the hospital ceased operations and closed its doors.

1840 Harlem Plantation in Phoenix, Louisiana: A Historic Gem

1840 Harlem Plantation in Phoenix, Louisiana: A Historic Gem
The Harlem Plantation House, situated in Louisiana between Davant and Phoenix, stands as a chilling testament to the past. Constructed in 1840, this Southern mansion was designated a National Historic Place in 1982. While numerous plantation buildings in Louisiana offer tours, it is disconcerting when travel sites overlook the haunting history of these sites, particularly the institution of slavery. Instead, they emphasize the allure of these grand structures and their beautifully maintained gardens along the Great River Road, inviting visitors to learn about life during the lead-up to the Civil War. Whether exploring during the day or choosing to spend a night, the experience promises to leave an indelible mark on one’s memory.

Tank Found Abandoned on Isla De Culebra Beach in Puerto Rico

Tank Found Abandoned on Isla De Culebra Beach in Puerto Rico
Regardless of your opinion, nature ultimately prevails. This tank was left abandoned on a beach in Culebra, Puerto Rico. In 1939, as World War II was about to begin, the US Navy utilized the island for military experiments and left several tanks to deteriorate under the tropical sun. While there are certainly worse places for a tank to be abandoned, such as North Dakota, these tanks in Puerto Rico have been exposed to the elements. Consequently, algae now covers the side of this corroded tank.

American P-38 fighter plane resurfaces 65 years after crash landing on Welsh beach – an incredible discovery!

American P-38 fighter plane resurfaces 65 years after crash landing on Welsh beach - an incredible discovery!
Nature emerges victorious in the battle against an abandoned aircraft. After spending 65 years buried beneath the sand, the rare United States Army Air Force fighter plane was finally unearthed in July 2007. It has since been affectionately named “The Maid of Harlech”. Originally crafted by Hall Hibbard and Clarence ‘Kelly’ Johnson, the P-38 Lightning stood out as the sole American pursuit plane to be continuously produced throughout World War II, a testament to its exceptional quality. However, on September 27, 1942, during a routine training session, a fuel supply malfunction forced this particular P-38 to make an emergency landing on a Welsh beach. Miraculously, the Second Lieutenant piloting the fighter plane emerged unharmed. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the aircraft, as its current state clearly indicates the damage it sustained.

A Glimpse of Millions of Years Captured in a Single Photo

A Glimpse of Millions of Years Captured in a Single Photo
For Creationists who hold the belief that the world is only a few thousand years old, the Dun Briste Sea Stack in County Mayo, Ireland, presents an intriguing contradiction. Standing at a towering height of 50 meters and encircled by cliffs, this natural formation provides a glimpse into our planet’s evolution spanning millions of years. Roughly 350 million years ago, during a time of significantly higher sea temperatures, the rock formations began to take shape. The term “Dún Briste”, derived from Gaelic, translates to “Broken Fort” – a reference to the sea stacks’ past connection to the mainland, a connection that is now visibly severed.

Mamula Island in Montenegro’s Adriatic Sea, Once a WW II Concentration Camp

Mamula Island in Montenegro's Adriatic Sea, Once a WW II Concentration Camp
If you’re looking for a unique destination for your next vacation, Mamula Island might just be the place for you. This island, once a formidable Austro-Hungarian military fort, holds a dark history from its time as a concentration camp during WWII. Initially constructed in 1853, the fort was transformed into a desolate prison where Mussolini’s forces incarcerated thousands against their will. Tragically, 130 lives were lost on this island, primarily due to starvation, but also due to the unimaginable cruelty and torture that occurred there. Since the end of the war, Mamula Island has been abandoned, with its decaying buildings serving as a haunting reminder of the atrocities that transpired. Rather than being a site for a new Trump Tower, it stands as a solemn testament to the horrors of the past.

Slovenia’s Predjama Castle Abides Within Postojna Cave

Slovenia's Predjama Castle Abides Within Postojna Cave
Predjama Castle is a unique Renaissance structure nestled within a cave mouth in south-central Slovenia. One fascinating aspect of this castle is the hidden passageway it boasts. This passageway consists of a vertical natural shaft that emerges at the top of the cliff, enabling the castle to receive food supplies discreetly during times of siege. Additionally, Predjama Castle has gained recognition in popular culture. It made an appearance in the 1986 Jackie Chan movie, Armour of God, and was also featured on a 2008 episode of Ghost Hunters International on the Sci Fi Channel, where it was investigated for potential paranormal activity.

Brighton Beach in the UK: The Unconnected West Pier

Brighton Beach in the UK: The Unconnected West Pier
When thoughts of Brighton Beach in England come to mind, the image of mods and rockers clashing on the pebbled shoreline emerges. The West Pier, designed by Eugenius Birch, was built with the intention of drawing in tourists who had a fondness for piers. It officially opened its doors in 1866 but sadly shut down in 1975. Though now deserted, the pier experienced its heyday. In 1893, it underwent an expansion and a concert hall was added in 1916. From 1918 to 1919, the West Pier welcomed approximately 2 million visitors, marking it as the golden age of piers. However, its popularity dwindled after World War II, and the concerts were eventually replaced by a funfair. In 1965, a local company took over ownership but struggled to meet the mounting maintenance costs, ultimately leading to its closure and subsequent decline. In fact, the English Heritage Society has deemed the West Pier beyond repair.

Liverpool’s Stanley Dock: Former Tobacco Warehouse Factory, World’s Largest Brick Built Warehouse, Undergoing Redevelopment into Apartments

Liverpool's Stanley Dock: Former Tobacco Warehouse Factory, World's Largest Brick Built Warehouse, Undergoing Redevelopment into Apartments
The Tobacco Warehouse in Liverpool holds significant value as both a prominent landmark and a World Heritage Site, making it exempt from demolition. Although it ceased operations in the latter part of the 20th century and has since experienced a gradual decline, the question arises concerning its future in the hometown of the famous band, The Beatles. The answer appears to be transforming it into trendy loft apartments, appealing to the hipster community. With plans to renovate the Tobacco Warehouse at Liverpool’s Stanley Dock, it has the potential to become the city’s newest and most sought-after residential area. The renovation project includes a proposal for a vast exhibition area and over 4,000 square feet of office space, all of which would befit the legacy of The Beatles.

Abandoned Bridge Over the Suwannee River in White Springs, Florida

Abandoned Bridge Over the Suwannee River in White Springs, Florida
The Suwannee River, spanning across South Georgia into Florida, stretches for 246 miles, resulting in a significant requirement for bridges throughout its course. Approximately ten major bridges have been constructed over the river, with several abandoned ones scattered along its path. These abandoned bridges served various purposes, including railroad transportation and pedestrian access. A particular bridge captured in this photograph resembles the iconic setting from the movie, Deliverance, where one would expect to find a kid playing a banjo. Additionally, an intriguing aspect of these forsaken bridges along the Suwannee River is the noticeable presence of high water marks from previous flood events.

Abandoned since Hurricane Katrina, Six Flags Jazzland in New Orleans, Louisiana, remains in ruins.

Abandoned since Hurricane Katrina, Six Flags Jazzland in New Orleans, Louisiana, remains in ruins.
Prepare yourself for a collection of deteriorating, decaying structures that raise serious safety concerns. This photo gallery consists of 63 haunting images of abandoned buildings from around the world. Explore the spine-chilling amusement parks that have been closed for decades, now filled with the lingering echoes of children who once enjoyed them. Witness the crumbling remains of once grand hotels, now infested with rats and various pests. We will also take you to deserted sports stadiums, left to decay long after their last triumph. Additionally, discover the remnants of an Austrian nightclub devastated by fire. These 63 locations are a brave urban explorer’s paradise, and this captivating photo gallery is anything but abandoned. So, let’s embark on this fascinating journey ahead!

Villa Epecuén in Argentina: Submerged in 1985 and Deserted Forever.

Villa Epecuén in Argentina: Submerged in 1985 and Deserted Forever.
In the 1920s, Villa Epucuen was established as a tourist village on the shores of Lago Epecuen, a salt lake situated approximately 600 kilometers from Buenos Aires, Argentina. The town became a popular destination and reached its peak in the 1970s, housing around 5,000 residents. However, misfortune struck when heavy rain caused Lago Epecuen to overflow in 1985, resulting in the breaking of an earthen dam. As a result, the town was slowly submerged under 33 feet of water. It was not until 2009 that the floodwaters began to recede. The following image depicts the former slaughterhouse of Villa Epecuen.

West Virginia amusement park, infamous for a bloody history, shuts down in 1966 and remains abandoned.

West Virginia amusement park, infamous for a bloody history, shuts down in 1966 and remains abandoned.
This abandoned amusement park in West Virginia bears a striking resemblance to Pennywise’s eerie home in the movie It. However, there is no joy or amusement to be found here. Once a beloved summer destination for coalfield families, this former park hides a dark and bloody history. In 1966, it was abandoned following the tragic accidental deaths of two young visitors. Since then, the site has gained a reputation for being haunted. But the horrors of this place extend far beyond recent events. Back in 1783, a European family settled on this land, which was previously inhabited by a Native American tribe. This led to a violent conflict, with reports suggesting that the Native Americans killed the settler’s family while he was away hunting. Seeking vengeance, the farmer rallied other white settlers and together they brutally murdered several Native Americans. Then, in the 1920s, a businessman named Conley T. Snidow acquired the land and transformed it into an amusement park. Unfortunately, the park’s rides claimed the lives of six individuals. It’s safe to say that this place is devoid of any good karma.

Ancient Abandoned Mansion with a Medieval Vibe, Located in Tangier near Cap Malabata, Facing Gibraltar.

Ancient Abandoned Mansion with a Medieval Vibe, Located in Tangier near Cap Malabata, Facing Gibraltar.
Cape Malabata, situated approximately 6 miles east of central Tangier, Morocco, overlooks the Strait of Gibraltar. Its ruined castle bears witness to the intense Medieval crusades that once took place there. However, for those with a preference for more contemporary settings, Mnar Castle offers a luxurious alternative. This opulent resort, located in Cap Malabata, features extravagant apartments boasting stunning views of the sea and garden. Additionally, guests can enjoy amenities such as an outdoor swimming pool, a well-manicured garden, and a terrace – ideal for unwinding after a day spent exploring the nearby remnants of the medieval castle.

Abandoned House Discovered on Pawleys Island in South Carolina.

Abandoned House Discovered on Pawleys Island in South Carolina.
Located on the southern end of The Grand Strand, Pawleys Island holds the title of being one of the oldest resort areas along the East Coast. Its rich history is evident in the abandoned houses that still stand, a testament to its age. The island’s popularity as a refuge from mosquitoes is due to its consistently windy conditions. During the colonial era, George Pawley owned the island and, recognizing its potential, sold portions of it to planters looking to escape malaria. Unfortunately, the island was not spared from natural disasters, as Hurricane Hugo in 1989 swept away several cottages and left the motel on Rt3 17 in ruins. Interestingly, this motel, which opened its doors in 1934, served as a coastal resort specifically for African Americans who were not permitted to stay at white resorts. Its guest list boasts a number of notable names including Count Basie, Charlie Parker, Billie Holiday, Ray Charles, Duke Ellington, and Lena Horne.

Georgia’s Tskaltubo: Soviet-Era Spa Complex Now Filled with Abandoned Buildings

Georgia's Tskaltubo: Soviet-Era Spa Complex Now Filled with Abandoned Buildings
During the Soviet-era, spas held great significance. A state-funded initiative mandated that citizens had to partake in mandatory spa vacations lasting a minimum of two weeks each year. Consequently, the number of people visiting spas was substantial. In the 1920s, Tskaltubo stood as a prosperous spa town, exuding Soviet pride through its magnificent columns, pillars, and arches painted in a soft shade of blue. These Soviet-era institutions were stringent, prohibiting guests from bringing their families and indulging in activities such as drinking, dancing, and creating excessive noise. Instead, guests were expected to prioritize the ideals of the socialist state. Similar to the decline of the Soviet Union, this former spa now lies in ruins, with lush greenery engulfing its once glorious past.

Belgium’s Train Station Deserted and Forgotten

Belgium's Train Station Deserted and Forgotten
Abandoned train stations possess a certain desolate aura. They are devoid of the arrival of trains and the bustling passengers. However, one exception lies in the existence of ghost trains. Belgium harbors numerous abandoned train stations, like the one in Montzen situated close to the German border. Here, the train yards were ravaged by British forces in 1944. Additionally, the forgotten Belgian royal family’s private depot, constructed in 1887, now looms abandoned beside the tracks. For intrepid explorers, Belgium offers the decaying remnants of the once opulent Orient Express, renowned for its luxury and the occasional murder that occurred within its confines.

Closure of Dadipark in Belgium after a young boy’s arm was severed on a ride

Closure of Dadipark in Belgium after a young boy's arm was severed on a ride
Located in Belgium, Dadipark was once one of the oldest amusement parks in Europe. However, it has now become a rather unsettling place. Originally starting as a simple playground, Dadipark expanded in the 80s to include thrilling rides and attracted around 1 million visitors annually. Unfortunately, the rides gradually deteriorated, resulting in a series of accidents. The most devastating incident occurred in 2000, when a young boy lost his arm while riding the popular Nautic Jet. As a result, the park closed in 2002 for renovations but never reopened. Dadipark now remains abandoned and eerie.

Abandoned House with Stunning View of Skálafellsjökull near Vatnajökul National Park in Iceland.

Abandoned House with Stunning View of Skálafellsjökull near Vatnajökul National Park in Iceland.
The twin peaks near Vatnajökul national park gained fame through Jules Verne’s novel: A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, which is surprising because the landscape in Iceland resembles that of the moon. Vatnajökull National Park, one of Iceland’s three national parks, showcases a diverse range of natural features resulting from the combined forces of rivers, glacial ice, volcanic eruptions, and geothermal activity. The breathtaking scenery is exemplified by the photo, where a house is seen with its roof flipped. Vatnajökull National Park was officially established on June 7th, 2008.

Ten Years Later: The State of Athens Olympic Venues

Ten Years Later: The State of Athens Olympic Venues
The XXVIII Olympic Games returned to Greece on 13 August 2004, leaving the country with a staggering bill of €9bn. However, more than 14 years later, numerous Olympic venues that were once shining examples of pride are now abandoned and in disarray. What was once a source of national pride has transformed into a decaying eyesore. The country’s prolonged economic downturn and high unemployment rates have further hindered the maintenance of these facilities. As a result, Greek citizens are left questioning the actual benefits of hosting such a costly event. One stark example is the Olympic swimming training pool, located at the Olympic Village, which now appears destined to never be used again.

Rock of Dunamase: A Majestic Landmark in County Laois, Ireland.

Rock of Dunamase: A Majestic Landmark in County Laois, Ireland.
The Rock of Dunamase has a rich history dating back to the 9th century when the Vikings were actively pillaging. Originally a Christian settlement, it was unfortunately pillaged in 842. The castle section of the rock was constructed during the latter half of the 12th century. With the arrival of the Normans in Ireland, Dunamase became a significant stronghold for the Anglo-Normans in Laois. Additionally, Dunamase is mentioned in a 19th-century poem called “Transplanted,” where it is lamented that Rory Og is deceased and a Saxon now rules over the halls of Dunamase, with the stranger assuming lordship over its once fruitful acres. This marks a change from the proud O’Moore family, who had guarded the land since the days of Cuchorb.

Exploring Montenegro’s Forgotten Submarine Tunnel: One of Three Chiseled 80 Meters Deep into Coastal Rock.

Exploring Montenegro's Forgotten Submarine Tunnel: One of Three Chiseled 80 Meters Deep into Coastal Rock.
During World War II, the majority of submarine tunnels in the Adriatic Sea were constructed under German occupation. These tunnels served as hiding places for submarines. Near the village of Rose, there are three additional submarine tunnels built by the Yugoslav Army. In the surrounding area, one can also discover a few abandoned Yugoslav Navy ships. Although the tunnels are no longer utilized by submarines, they have become popular destinations for swimming. It is important to note that these tunnels are dead ends, meaning that one cannot swim all the way through. However, swimmers can still enjoy the experience by going in and then returning, with a length of approximately 100 meters and a depth of around 10 meters. Have a fantastic time swimming there!

Peak District UK: Historic Old Mill Left in Ruins atop Lumsdale Falls

Peak District UK: Historic Old Mill Left in Ruins atop Lumsdale Falls
When you visit Lumsdale Falls, not only will you be able to enjoy the beauty of a picturesque waterfall and scenic wooded walking paths, but you will also have the opportunity to explore the ruins of historic industrial mills. These mills were once powered by water, a fact that might even make you imagine what it would be like if Trump were in the UK, campaigning with the slogan, “I will revive water-powered jobs!” At Lumsdale Falls, you can witness the remaining buildings and tunnels that were used to harness nature’s resources to operate the mill. Additionally, you can see the housing for one of the mill wheels and the path that directed the water back to the river. It’s no wonder if you’re thinking that a two-day visit would be well worth it!

WW2 Watchtower in Cape Cock, Trapani, Sicily, Destroyed in Bombing

WW2 Watchtower in Cape Cock, Trapani, Sicily, Destroyed in Bombing
Trapani, a town on the west coast of Sicily, is located on a protruding low headland that juts into the Mediterranean Sea. The primary source of Trapani’s economy is fishing, particularly tuna. Unfortunately, World War II had devastating effects on Trapani, as it was subjected to frequent bombings by the Allied forces. In fact, Trapani was one of the most heavily bombed towns in the country. As a result, the oldest part of Trapani, known as the district of San Pietro, was completely destroyed, leading to harsh living conditions for the residents. Despite the destruction, there are some notable buildings that have managed to survive in the old part of the city. These include the 14th-century church of San Agostino, the Santuario dell’Annunziata, the 15th- and 16th-century church of Santa Maria di Gesù, and the Baroque Palazzo della Giudecca. It is now crucial to ensure the preservation of these remaining buildings and prevent any further bombings.

Picture of an old coal loading spot in the middle of Hungary’s Danube River, captured from a ship.

Picture of an old coal loading spot in the middle of Hungary's Danube River, captured from a ship.
The presence of an abandoned coal loading platform on the Danube in Hungary serves as evidence that the realization has set in globally that coal jobs are unlikely to make a comeback. Hungary, which had eight coal mine companies in 1990, now only has a handful still in operation as a result of the significant changes forced upon the Hungarian coal industry after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The majority of smaller underground mines were closed down or privatized. Brown coal and lignite make up about 90% of the country’s coal production, and any potential expansion in coal usage would require imports. Moreover, a recent drought caused water levels on the Danube to drop to record lows in three areas of Hungary, resulting in financial losses for freight shipping companies responsible for coal transportation. It is worth noting that the Danube is the second-longest river in Europe and is located in Central and Eastern Europe.

Turkey’s Kayaköy Village Left in Ruins

Turkey's Kayaköy Village Left in Ruins
Kayaköy, formerly a lively town nestled against the Taurus Mountains, witnessed a deserted state in the 1920s due to political circumstances, despite its proximity to world-renowned beaches and yacht-filled harbors. Initially constructed in the 1700s, this town once accommodated approximately 20,000 Greek Orthodox inhabitants by the early twentieth century. However, the outbreak of the Greco-Turkish War from 1919–1922 led to the abandonment of Kayakoy by its residents, who sought refuge in Greece following Greece’s defeat. As a consequence, 350 houses now stand without roofs, bearing the scars of abandonment, alongside two Greek Orthodox churches, fountains, and cisterns that once supplied water to the city.

Abandoned in 1945, the ruins of a former synthetic fuel factory near Szczecin, Poland, still stand.

Abandoned in 1945, the ruins of a former synthetic fuel factory near Szczecin, Poland, still stand.
Constructed in 1937, this synthetic fuel factory primarily catered to the fuel needs of the German army. As World War II erupted, the production process at the factory gained momentum due to an influx of foreign workers from German-occupied territories. Additionally, during the war, this structure served as a subcamp for the Stutthof, Sachsenhausen, and Ravensbrück concentration camps, utilizing the labor of around 30,000 prisoners and POWs. Tragically, 13,000 of these workers perished during the war. Despite multiple attempts by the Allies to bomb the factory, their efforts proved unsuccessful. Presently, the facility stands abandoned.

Pablo Escobar’s Drug Plane Crashes in the Bahamas, Abandoned Midway to South Florida

Pablo Escobar's Drug Plane Crashes in the Bahamas, Abandoned Midway to South Florida
The fish swimming around the wreckage must have been heavily influenced. If you ever find yourself in the Bahamas, you have the opportunity to snorkel past the decaying remains of one of Pablo Escobar’s drug smuggling planes. This relic from the past can be discovered near a peaceful little island hidden in the outskirts of The Bahamas. The submerged military aircraft, dating back to World War II, was utilized to transport Escobar’s expanding cocaine trade to the USA. In 1980, the Curtiss C-46 Commando landed short of the runway and ended up stranded on a shallow sandbank. The plane was abandoned, but the valuable cargo was quickly retrieved, as its worth exceeded the entire cost of the aircraft.

Compochiaro, a deserted Italian village on the hills of Rhodes Island, showcases an ancient market building.

Compochiaro, a deserted Italian village on the hills of Rhodes Island, showcases an ancient market building.
This market, situated in Italian Rhodes, has been abandoned for quite some time. It is worth mentioning that this area of Rhodes was settled by Italians hailing from rural regions, who possessed a knack for forestry. Positioned at the base of Mount Profitis Ilias, the market was constructed by Italians during World War II, with aspirations of engaging in the timber trade and capitalizing on the forested region for tourism. Erected around 1935, the market played a pivotal role in the island’s agricultural development. The majority of the settlers departed between 1940 and 1943, while a few remained until 1947. Following the unification of Rhodes with Greece, the Italians were expelled, and Campochiaro was given its current name.

Long Island’s Kings Park Psychiatric Center Left Abandoned for Over Two Decades

Long Island's Kings Park Psychiatric Center Left Abandoned for Over Two Decades
The Kings Park Psychiatric Center, located in Long Island, is a truly eerie place. With its old and abandoned structure, it exudes a haunting atmosphere that seems to embody the energy of all its past inhabitants. Locals commonly refer to it as “The Psych Center,” and it’s not hard to see why. Operating as a psychiatric facility from 1885 until 1996, it has all the makings of a horror movie setting. In 1954, the patient census reached an astonishing 9,303, showcasing the immense size and scale of this asylum. The facility followed a farm colony model, where it functioned as a self-sufficient community. Residents were assigned tasks such as farming and raising livestock, as it was believed to have therapeutic benefits. However, these methods were eventually replaced by more frightening practices like pre-frontal lobotomies and electro-shock therapy. The history of this place is truly chilling.

China’s Fishing Village Left in Abandonment

China's Fishing Village Left in Abandonment
As previously mentioned, nature always emerges victorious in the end. Positioned about 40 miles east of Shanghai, this former Chinese fishing village on Shengshan Island forms part of a series of islands in Zhejiang province, China. In the early 1990s, the residents, predominantly fishermen, made the decision to abandon the island. Consequently, it has transformed into a verdant ghost town, now adorned with eerie vines and other lush vegetation that have overtaken the structures. In fact, the buildings have all undergone a Chia Pet-like transformation. Merely a few individuals remain in what was once a bustling village housing over 2,000 fishermen.

Bodie Creek Bridge: World’s Southernmost Suspension Bridge in the Falkland Isles, Constructed in 1925 and Decommissioned in 1997.

Bodie Creek Bridge: World's Southernmost Suspension Bridge in the Falkland Isles, Constructed in 1925 and Decommissioned in 1997.
The Bodie Creek Suspension Bridge, located in the Falkland Islands, holds the distinguished title of being the southernmost suspension bridge worldwide. This honor, however, is overshadowed by its closure since 1997. The Falkland Islands, a generally uneventful place aside from occasional conflicts like the 1982 war sparked by Britain, seems to lack excitement. The construction of the Bodie Creek Suspension Bridge in 1925 aimed to reduce the distance traveled by sheep from southern Lafonia to the shearing sheds in Goose Green. This sleepy place only comes alive during rare war incidents.

Italy boasts a Roman road dating back 2300 years.

Italy boasts a Roman road dating back 2300 years.
The Romans were highly skilled at constructing roads, which greatly aided them in their conquests. Among the earliest and most significant Roman roads of the ancient republic was the Appian Way. This road, named after Appius Claudius Caecus, was established as a military route in 312 BC during the Samnite Wars. It connected Rome to Brindisi, located in southeast Italy. The Appian Way served as a crucial pathway for military provisions and was the first major road designed specifically for transporting troops beyond Rome. This is why the popular expression “All roads lead to Rome” exists. Understand?

Yukon’s Abandoned Gold Dredge from 1954: Tools, Machines, Buckets, and Chains Remain Intact Near Dawson City

Yukon's Abandoned Gold Dredge from 1954: Tools, Machines, Buckets, and Chains Remain Intact Near Dawson City
During the gold rush era, the use of mining dredges in Yukon was prevalent from the early 1900s until the 1950s. These dredges were specifically designed to extract gold from the land. The first gold dredge made its appearance in the Yukon in 1899, and eventually, around two dozen of these machines were utilized in the Klondike area. Unlike the traditional method of panning for gold, the dredges allowed miners to efficiently process large amounts of land in a relatively short period of time. As a result, the arrival of these dredges marked the end of the era when stampeders relied on shovels and sluice boxes. Even today, several of these old gold dredges can still be found scattered across the Yukon landscape, serving as a reminder of the wild days of the Klondike Gold Rush.

Scotland’s Dunnottar Castle left deserted

Scotland's Dunnottar Castle left deserted
Dunnottar Castle, derived from the Gaelic word Dùn Fhoithear, translates to “fort on the shelving slope.” Situated on Scotland’s northeastern coast, just south of Stonehaven, this medieval fortress dates back to the Early Middle Ages, with surviving structures from the 15th and 16th centuries. Its historical significance should not be underestimated, as Dunnottar Castle played a prominent role in Scotland’s history due to its strategic positioning and defensive capabilities. Additionally, it served as a hiding place for the Scottish crown jewels during the 17th century, eluding Oliver Cromwell’s invading army. Thus, Dunnottar Castle holds an intriguing past, making it a compelling destination.

Porto Alegre’s Monumental Olympic Stadium, Constructed in 1954 within the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul

Porto Alegre's Monumental Olympic Stadium, Constructed in 1954 within the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul
Abandoned sports stadiums evoke a sense of melancholy. These places were once filled with glory and triumph, but now they stand as decaying eyesores. The Monumental Olympic Stadium, situated in Porto Alegre, Brazil, carries this sentiment. In 1954, it welcomed crowds of up to 38,000 people, but later underwent expansion to accommodate 85,000. This monumental venue served as the home field for the Grêmio football club until they made the decision to relocate to the Arena do Grêmio. Consequently, the stadium closed its doors in December 2012. Interestingly, it is worth noting that the renowned band Rush once performed a sold-out concert in this very stadium.

Discover the Abandoned Trains in Yanov, Chernobyl.

Discover the Abandoned Trains in Yanov, Chernobyl.
The photos of the abandoned amusement park in present day Chernobyl are incredibly eerie. The Yanov railway station, which was established in 1925 and named after the village it once served, now stands as a haunting reminder of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. Following the evacuation of the village and train station, the 254 residents were unable to return due to the radiation contamination. Eventually, the village was demolished and buried. The Yanov station played a role in transporting cargo for the cleanup efforts after the nuclear accident. Unfortunately, today the radiation levels at the station far exceed the safe limit, indicating that it will be a long time before anyone can safely return.

Poltalloch House: A Once Grand Scottish Estate Built in 1853, Now Decay and Ruins Since the 1950s

Poltalloch House: A Once Grand Scottish Estate Built in 1853, Now Decay and Ruins Since the 1950s
Poltalloch House, situated in Kilmartin, has remained uninhabited since the 1950s, yet its unsettling history is deeply intertwined with slavery. Constructed in the mid-19th century, this estate served as the residence for affluent lairds from Scotland who amassed their wealth through extensive involvement in sugar cane plantations in Jamaica. Historian Professor Allan MacInness reveals that the original family’s financial triumphs were rooted in the trade of commodities such as sugar, rum, cotton, cattle, and most disturbingly, slaves. Tragedy struck in 1902 when a tremendous fire engulfed the house, causing the collapse of its roof and the destruction of precious and now extinct bird species among other valuables. By 2004, all hope of restoring the house seemed lost.

Fire causes extensive damage, leading to abandonment of nightclub in Austria.

Fire causes extensive damage, leading to abandonment of nightclub in Austria.
The subject of discussion is the disco inferno incident, which refers to the aftermath of a fire that occurred at a nightclub in Austria. Fortunately, no individuals suffered any injuries as a result of this incident. It is worth noting that the club had a capacity to accommodate up to 2,000 people prior to the fire. However, the fire completely devastated the establishment, causing extensive damage such as the melting of the interior and leaving the DJ booth blackened and decaying. As a result, the site became a popular attraction for urban explorers, who found it to possess an eerie atmosphere. One urban explorer vividly describes the burnt-down disco as an unsettling place situated in an industrial area. This description stands in stark contrast to the previous ambiance of joy and merriment, where individuals would dance all night beneath a dazzling mirror ball. The presence of substantial amounts of snow both inside and outside the club, due to a hole in the roof, added to the overall eerie vibe. Strange sounds pervaded the environment, including the dripping of water, the melting of snow, and the creaking of metal components barely clinging to the ceiling. In essence, the place gave off an overwhelming sense of insecurity, lacking any assurance of safety.

Abandoned Railroad Track and Tunnel Hill Discovered in Shawnee Forest, Illinois

Abandoned Railroad Track and Tunnel Hill Discovered in Shawnee Forest, Illinois
Illinois has successfully transformed an abandoned train track and tunnel into the Tunnel Hill State Trail, creating a remarkable bike and running path. Admirably executed, the trail follows the path of the former Cairo and Vincennes Railroad, which played a significant role during the Civil War under the leadership of General Ambrose Burnside. Originally a branch line of the Southern Railway, the Cairo & Vincennes ceased operations in the late 1900s. Today, the trail stretches for an impressive 45 miles and features a surface made of crushed limestone.

Historic Covered Bridge ‘De La Frontière’ Constructed in 1896 near Potton, Québec, Canada

Historic Covered Bridge 'De La Frontière' Constructed in 1896 near Potton, Québec, Canada
Wow, can you believe it? De La Frontière, an incredible covered wooden bridge constructed back in 1896, is situated in Quebec, close to the northern border of Vermont. This bridge must have witnessed countless shipments of delightful maple syrup. Located on the Chemin Bellevue, it stretches across a deep gorge on the Mud Brook. Unfortunately, after serving Canadians faithfully for 75 years, the bridge was closed in 1960. However, its significance was recognized when it was declared a historic monument on October 6, 2008. Potton, a township municipality in the Memphrémagog Regional County Municipality, is home to approximately 1,850 residents.

USA’s Lumberton, North Carolina

USA's Lumberton, North Carolina
Lumberton, North Carolina is a historic town with gas stations that are deteriorating due to its age. Situated in the Inner Banks region of southern North Carolina, Lumberton ironically lies alongside the Lumber River, which proves to be convenient. John Willis, an American Revolutionary officer, established the town in 1787. Despite its small population of approximately 21,542 residents, Lumberton has produced several notable major league baseball players. This could possibly be attributed to the lack of activities due to the closure of gas stations, leading children to engage in baseball instead.

Final resting spot discovered for abandoned fighter jet

Final resting spot discovered for abandoned fighter jet
There is surely an interesting tale behind this abandoned aircraft. Perhaps a military father allowed his irresponsible teenage son to take it for a spin. Unlike bombers and attack aircraft, fighter jets are specifically designed for air-to-air combat, boasting incredible speed, maneuverability, and compact size. However, this particular jet seems to have been parked under this tree for an extended period, showing signs of neglect. Interestingly, there are numerous aircraft graveyards scattered across the globe, serving as final resting places for once magnificent flying machines. One such graveyard exists in the western desert of the United States, housing the remains of World War Two bombers and Cold War fighters. These large metal crafts are either completely dismantled or left to rust, allowing nature to reclaim them.

Abandoned Hotel, Villa Violet, Rests in Wooded Hills Above Lake Lugano in Lanzo d’Intelvi, Italy

Abandoned Hotel, Villa Violet, Rests in Wooded Hills Above Lake Lugano in Lanzo d'Intelvi, Italy
Located in the Province of Como in the Lombardy region of Italy, Lanzo d’Intelvi serves as another nightmarish holiday destination. Situated only 37 miles north of Milan and a mere 12 miles from the Swiss border, the demand for a hotel in this area is evident. Lake Lugano, a glacial lake renowned after the city it shares its name with, stands as a popular attraction for tourists. Moreover, the southern shores of Lake Lugano boast a wealth of ancient fossils, dating back to the mid-Triassic period. Adding to the eerie ambiance, the abandoned Villa Violet serves as yet another relic discovered in this region.

Waldo Hotel in Clarksburg, WV: A Hidden Gem at The Kingston Lounge

Waldo Hotel in Clarksburg, WV: A Hidden Gem at The Kingston Lounge
The Waldo Hotel, situated in the heart of Clarksburg, West Virginia, is now a potential location for the upcoming The Shining movie. Once deemed a prestigious establishment and a popular spot for local elites, the hotel’s glory days are long gone. Nowadays, it only serves as a home to rodents and insects. Constructed in the Beaux Arts style between 1901 and 1904, the building has been vacant for nearly two decades. The community now views it as an unsightly structure beyond repair, with demolition estimated to cost the city $1.2 million. However, this unfortunate circumstance presents an exciting opportunity for urban explorers.

Largest salt lake in the Middle East, Lake Urmia in Iran, reveals abandoned ferry amidst drying waters.

Largest salt lake in the Middle East, Lake Urmia in Iran, reveals abandoned ferry amidst drying waters.
Lake Urmia, once the largest saltwater lake in the Middle East, has undergone a significant transformation. Instead of its former glory, the lake has sadly dried up and shrunk by a staggering 80 percent in the last three decades. This drastic change has had detrimental effects on the ecosystem, leading to the disappearance of various bird species such as flamingos, pelicans, egrets, and ducks. What remains in this desolate landscape are abandoned ships, gradually succumbing to rust. The situation worsens as the winds carry salt dust from the lake bed, damaging nearby farmlands and rendering the soil infertile. To make matters even more distressing, the once distinctive turquoise waters of Lake Urmia have now turned a disturbing shade of blood-red due to the presence of bacteria and algae. These alarming developments make it unlikely for the lake to attract tourists in the foreseeable future.

Carpenters Rocks, South Australia: Wrecked Yacht “Pieces Star” Remains Untouched Since 1997

Carpenters Rocks, South Australia: Wrecked Yacht "Pieces Star" Remains Untouched Since 1997
Carpenters Rocks, a small coastal town near Mount Gambier in South Australia’s south-east, is home to the famous wreck of the Pieces Star. Situated along the rugged coastline facing the Southern Ocean, this region is well-regarded for its fishing and diving spots as well as occasional shipwrecks. Among these notorious shipwrecks is the tragic incident of the SS Admella, which occurred on August 5th, 1859, resulting in the loss of 89 lives. In addition to exploring the abandoned yacht, visitors to Carpenters Rocks can also access the Canunda National Park, and the area is recognized for its thriving southern rock lobster industry.

Abandoned Battleship Island located around 15km (9 miles) from Nagasaki, Japan’s southern city.

Abandoned Battleship Island located around 15km (9 miles) from Nagasaki, Japan's southern city.
Battleship Island, also known as Hashima, holds a remarkable name that is widely acknowledged. In its heyday, this minuscule island boasted a population of 5,259 individuals, earning it the title of the most densely populated area in history. Nevertheless, since its closure in 1974, this once-thriving community has been forsaken and left to the mercy of nature. Situated near the city of Nagasaki, Hashima initially gained attention in the late 1800s when valuable coal was discovered on its grounds. Consequently, a coal mine was established, and as the mines delved deeper, more workers were required. By 1920, a staggering 3,271 people called Battleship Island their home. This influx of inhabitants prompted the expansion of the island, with land being reclaimed from the sea, eventually resulting in its current size of 16 acres, three times its original expanse. However, as Japan’s reliance on coal diminished over time, so too did the number of residents on Battleship Island.

Barbourville ruins in Virginia, USA: Unveiling the Rich History of a Historic Mansion

Barbourville ruins in Virginia, USA: Unveiling the Rich History of a Historic Mansion
Barboursville, originally designed by Thomas Jefferson, the renowned figure featured on currency, was built from 1814 to 1822 for Jefferson’s close companion, James Barbour. This impressive estate stood as one of the largest and most exquisite residences within the region. Showcasing a brick Flemish-bond structure with a hipped roof, Barboursville seemed destined for greatness. However, tragedy struck on December 25, 1884, Christmas day, when a devastating fire consumed the mansion. Despite the catastrophe, the fire spared the brick walls, interior masonry partitions, and the magnificent fluted columns. Presently, the estate has been transformed into a celebrated vineyard, ranking among Virginia’s oldest and most esteemed wineries.

The Cliffs of Cruden Bay in Aberdeenshire, Scotland: Exploring the Ruins of New Slains Castle

The Cliffs of Cruden Bay in Aberdeenshire, Scotland: Exploring the Ruins of New Slains Castle
Scotland has a deep affection for its castles, as showcased in the popular film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which featured various Scottish castles. One such castle is New Slains Castle, named to differentiate it from its nearby counterpart, Old Slains Castle. Today, New Slains Castle lies in ruins, perched on a cliff top overlooking the North Sea. Constructed primarily in the 16th century by the 9th Earl of Erroll, it was an architectural marvel. This distinguished Earl earned his title to distinguish him from the 8th Earl of Erroll. Once boasting three magnificent gardens, the castle has now deteriorated into a roofless and chaotic state.

Cornwall’s Predannack Airport Transformed Into Aircraft Graveyard: Abandoned Military Planes and Helicopters Left to Deteriorate

Cornwall's Predannack Airport Transformed Into Aircraft Graveyard: Abandoned Military Planes and Helicopters Left to Deteriorate
The North American F-86 Sabre, also known as the Sabrejet, is a transonic jet fighter aircraft. It was produced by North American Aviation from 1947 onwards, with over 7,800 units manufactured between 1949 and 1956. Surprisingly, when these fighter jets reach the end of their operational lives, they find their resting place at Predannack Airport in Cornwall, UK. This airfield, established in May 1941 as a defense against German Luftwaffe attacks, has transformed part of its premises into a somber plane cemetery. Here, old military planes and helicopters are left to decay, abandoned and unloved, in their final moments. It is truly a sad sight to witness the deteriorating state of these once-proud aircraft.